Keywords: traditional economy, digital economy, digitalization, socio-economic environment, globalization, digital technologies, information technologies, BlockChain


Although the term «digital economy» has been used for a long time in the economic world, not all features of this concept are highlighted from the point of view of economic theory, and even more so, specific aspects of its formation and functioning. In the conditions of the digital economy, the use of information technologies provides businesses with new opportunities to enter global markets, as well as to develop business activities in real time. The article reveals the essence of the digital economy, features and problems of its formation; the concepts of information technologies and their place in the transformation of the traditional economy into a digital one are summarized. Based on the analysis of existing interpretations of the concept of «digital economy», it was determined that it is an innovation-oriented economy, which is based on the active implementation of innovations and information and communication technologies in all types of economic activity and spheres of social life, which ensures an increase in the efficiency of the functioning and competitiveness of enterprises and economy of the country in general. It is also determined that a prerequisite for the digital transformation of the economy is the formation of a technological basis for the digitization of social, economic, technological and other processes occurring in the middle of the economic system. It has been established that the use of digital technologies in the economic sector will allow storing, processing and analyzing a large array of data, thereby forming information about the results of the efficiency of business entities. This will make it possible to make prompt and informed decisions that will ensure cost minimization, profit maximization and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. The most popular information systems and technologies used in the activities of enterprises are presented and characterized. The list of the latest digital products and services used in the socio-economic environment is given, and their content is disclosed. It was determined that the BlockChain technology is one of the most promising technologies in the context of cyber security and improving the efficiency of business entities. The advantages and disadvantages of BlockChain technology are given, and the features of the integration of a decentralized management system into the activities of enterprises are highlighted.


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How to Cite
Chikov, I. (2022). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE ECONOMY: ESSENCE, PROBLEMS, FEATURES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 97-102.
Economics and business management