Keywords: small business, entrepreneurship, business environment, entrepreneurial activity, self-employment, licensing activity, state enterprises


The article examines the concepts of "entrepreneurship" and "entrepreneurial activity" and offers their interpretation. The current regulatory and legal framework in the field of entrepreneurship is provided, which forms a business environment for the development of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine. A number of reforms have been formulated and proposed in the direction of deregulation and simplification of economic activity with the aim of creating a favorable business climate for the development of small entrepreneurial structures. The directions of state entrepreneurship policy were analyzed on the basis of the implemented reforms and the sources of financing of small business entities were determined. The modern small business support infrastructure is analyzed, which is represented by business centers, business incubators, science and technology parks, technology transfer centers, business support funds, leasing companies, consulting centers, etc. The impact of the entrepreneurial environment on the efficiency of small business functioning has been proven. In conditions of economic instability, limited access to financing, small enterprises that do not require large initial investments are able to solve the fastest and most effective problems of the Ukrainian economy, promote competition and economic growth at the national and international levels. The most important prerequisite for the general development of the economy is the development and improvement of entrepreneurship as a special type of economic activity. Entrepreneurship is one of the key drivers of economic development based on innovative economic growth based on entrepreneurship in scientific-technical and organizational-economic activities. Entrepreneurship is the basis of the economic life of small enterprises, focusing on the most typical features of market relations, it is the driving force of the market economy.


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How to Cite
Tereshchenko, S., & Zvonovsky, R. (2022). FORMATION OF A BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT FOR THE FUNCTIONING OF SMALL BUSINESS ENTITIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 87-92.
Economics and business management