The article identifies the features of the components, stages and factors of the resource potential reproduction of agrarian business entities in the conditions of an inclusive economy. It was determined that the replication of production resources under the development conditions of inclusive processes in the agricultural sector creates additional opportunities and the potential of agricultural production, which can be used for the benefit of agribusiness and rural areas. The components of the resource potential of business entities under the inclusive transformations conditions of the agricultural economy were systematized, where two main groups of indicators were singled out: basic and derived resource potential. In the context of transformations intensification on the basis of the inclusive agro-economics development, it is proposed to supplement the methodological basis with an inclusive approach to justifying organizational and economic management by reproducing the resource potential of the agrarian sphere and rural areas. The difference of the proposed approach lies in the strategic focus on the reproduction of all components of the resource potential, taking into account the environmental, social and economic priorities of social development. The stages of the resource potential reproduction of inclusive agribusiness are determined, which are oriented towards the formation of the integral effect of creating additional values that will be used by all participants in the inclusive process of social production. It has been established that the reproduction of the resource potential of agribusiness takes place under the influence of a set of external environment factors, the main of which are: investment and innovation climate, financial and credit policy, agricultural land market, natural and climatic conditions, demographic environment. A system of factors for reproducing the resource potential of agrarian business entities, supplemented by the influence of the factors of the meso-environment of the industry and the micro-environment, is determined.
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