Keywords: industrial cluster, investment process, investment project, model of investment support, own funds, companies participating in the cluster


The article demonstrates the peculiarities of managing investment measures and projects at the level of an industrial cluster of enterprises. The need to take into account the investment climate and the features of the investment strategy of the cluster in order to determine the sources of investment resources and the mechanisms of their attraction for the implementation of the selected areas is proven. An economic–mathematical model of investment support for an industrial cluster was built and tested, which is based on a comparative approach to choosing optimal investment projects from a number of similar starting conditions for implementation. According to the results of the proposed calculations, as well as using the forecast indicators of investment activity at the level of the industrial cluster, it is possible to form a rational investment balance, which will include the investment resources of the new participants of the industrial cluster, as well as the directions of their investment flows. The performed analysis and formed methodological provisions can be further developed by new calculations of investment efficiency according to formal methods of analysis of the efficiency of real investments by calculating the net reduced effect (income), internal rate of return of the project, profitability index, investment efficiency ratio, etc. Investment balance is a program that provides investment processes at the level of an industrial cluster. The investment balance of the cluster should include a system of indicators reflecting the investment capacity of the cluster, the formation of its investment resources and directions of their use. The main provisions of the investment policy within the industrial cluster should be: strategic goals of the participating enterprises of the industrial cluster; priorities of the complex investment program of the cluster; formation of criteria for the selection of investment projects and programs that will be supported by all participants of the industrial cluster on the occasion of share financing; the scope of the investment program and possible real sources of its financing; the main elements of the investment infrastructure of the cluster and the path of their further development; task of intensifying investment cooperation.


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How to Cite
Makedon, V., & Mykhailenko, O. (2022). MANAGEMENT OF DOMESTIC INVESTMENT PROJECTS IN THE REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL CLUSTER OF ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 56-63.
Economics and business management