• Tetiana Kniazieva National Aviation University
  • Hanna Dereviankina National Aviation University
Keywords: attachment, brand, brand loyalty, channels of interaction, omnichannel marketing, points of interaction


In the article, as a result of the conducted research, it was established that brand loyalty in the international market should be considered as a dynamic characteristic of its development in the context of omnichannel marketing. The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the use of omnichannel marketing for the formation of company brand loyalty on the example of «HERBOR-HOLDING» LLC. Customers are becoming increasingly mobile and channel-agnostic. They constantly move from one channel to another  from online to offline and vice versa and expect comprehensive and consistent experiences without noticeable differences. It is with this integration of channels that omnichannel marketing must cope, which must ensure the consistency of imprinting of the brand in the minds of customers. Methodology: the practice of integrating multiple channels in order to create a holistic and consistent customer service is the embodiment of omnichannel marketing. Organizations need to break down the siled channel structure and unify their goals and strategies. This will ensure a coordinated action across multiple networks and offline channels to create customer readiness to buy. Results: customers move from one channel to another and expect holistic and consistent knowledge. In order to operate in this new reality, we as marketers need to integrate online and offline channels in an effort to move customers along their path to purchase and eventually to brand loyalty. The very desire to combine the best features of both the speed of online channels and the availability of offline channels  shows an understanding of the relevance of trends. To do this effectively, we need to focus on the touchpoints and channels that really matter and get people across the organization to support the omnichannel marketing strategy. Practical implications: the practical significance of the work are determined by the fact that the obtained theoretical results are brought to the level of practical recommendations for the promotion of the brand «HERBOR-HOLDING» LLC in order to ensure its sustainable functioning in the current conditions of activity in foreign markets.


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How to Cite
Kniazieva, T., & Dereviankina, H. (2022). THE FORMATION OF BRAND LOYALTY BASED ON OMNICHANNEL MARKETING. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 51-55.
Economics and business management