Keywords: innovative components, personnel management, service sector, innovative methods


In the materials of the article, attention is focused on the identification of innovative components of personnel management at each stage of the process. The relevance of the research is determined, first of all, by the need for constant dynamic analysis of new methods, tools and models of personnel management in the service sector. When writing, analytical and statistical methods were used for identifying and processing domestic and foreign statistical data, the method of expert evaluations for forming a list of innovative components of the personnel management process, historical and logical methods for determining trends in the development of personnel management. In the materials of the article, it is determined that the practical implementation of the company's personnel management tools requires the use of innovative methods. Analyzing each stage of the personnel management process, the latest technologies and measures that accompany them are singled out. Special attention is focused on the specifics of the personnel management process in the service sector. It was noted that when making decisions about personnel planning, selection and assessment of labor activity, it is advisable to take into account the intangible nature of services, their inseparability from personnel, the impossibility of preservation, etc. It was found that the main factors contributing to the implementation of the principles of innovative development in the service sector are the turbulence of the economic and political environment, the digitalization of the economy, the change in consumer tastes and preferences in favor of eco-products, the consumption of services for self-development and self-realization. The principles of the organization's activity when introducing innovative components in personnel management were studied and analyzed. It is noted that the use of the specified methods, tools and models of innovative development should take place on the basis of socio-psychological and communicative platforms for the development of dialogue-linguistic, information-technological, analytical-managerial and evaluation-reflective abilities and skills. It is proposed to use innovative components of the personnel management process in order to create business value and create additional added value.


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How to Cite
Klipkova, O. (2022). INNOVATIVE COMPONENTS OF THE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT PROCESS IN THE FIELD OF SERVICES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 46-50.
Economics and business management