The instability of socio-economic development of Ukraine causes the complexity of the conditions of organizations' functioning, putting forward new requirements for their activities and development. Performing clearly defined functions, organizations form the basis of the national economy, the need to ensure a balanced development of which in the context of the impact of global phenomena and processes, makes it necessary to adapt to existing threats and challenges, taking into account economic, political and legal consequences. Ukrainian organizations, having gained access to the largest market in the world, the opportunity to acquire knowledge and experience of successful companies, attract foreign investment and innovative technologies; will face competition with organizations of the EU countries, labor migration with the loss of intellectually strong workers, elimination of uncompetitive enterprises and sectors of the economy. The result of Ukraine’s opening of borders will be a collision with the economies of developed countries with strong economic, scientific and technical potential, strengthening the influence of transnational companies. It is important to work on achieving the necessary qualitative characteristics by organizations with the gradual acquisition of the status of competent to avoid mistakes and minimize threats. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need to take into account the human factor’s influence when building a management structure as a prerequisite for creating a competent organization. To achieve this goal, the following methods have been used: morphological analysis – to substantiate the content of the concept of "management structure"; dialectical – to substantiate approaches to building a management structure of a competent organization; theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis – to identify factors influencing the organizational management structure; expert evaluation – to substantiate the human factor as one of the most influential in building a management structure of a competent organization. The result was the substantiation of the role and necessity of taking into account the skills, knowledge, experience of staff, in particular, managerial, that is, individual competencies of employees, when building a management structure.
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