Keywords: personnel policy, socially oriented personnel policy, principles of personnel policy, personnel management, management structure


The article explores the trends in the development of effective personnel policy in the conditions of global instability, identifies the factors affecting potential changes in the labor market, and also diversely explores the problems of formation and implementation of personnel policy at the enterprise, taking into account the new requirements and challenges of today. The analysis of theoretical and methodological basic of personnel policy in the era of global instability, which require detailed study in order to form an effective competitive policy of the enterprise. The problems in the development of the personnel policy of the entrepreneurship are investigated, which allows management to take measures to build an effective entrepreneurship management structure. The place of socially oriented personnel policy in the conditions of global instability as a component of the economic direction of the entrepreneurship sphere of activity and its strategic development has been determined. The basic principles of the personnel policy of the enterprise are described and the factors of the effectiveness of its personnel policy are investigated, taking into account the new requirements and challenges of today, necessary for consolidating its competitive positions, as well as the further development of the internal elements of its vital activity in accordance with the ever-growing needs of the market. Personnel policy in the new conditions is aimed at the formation of such a system of work with personnel, which will be focused on obtaining not only economic, but also social effect, subject to compliance with current legislation and other regulatory documents. Given how enterprises will overcome the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine and overcome their consequences, well-developed and effectively implemented elements of personnel policy will become an important tool for achieving a high level of adaptability of the enterprise. The conducted research can be considered as one of the examples of the creation and implementation of personnel policy in modern conditions, which will later be used to create objective prerequisites and methodological basis for further research of a given issue.


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How to Cite
Biliavskyi, V., & Shulikovska, K. (2022). MAIN ASPECTS OF THE CREATION AN EFFECTIVE PERSONNEL POLICY OF MODERN ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 33-40.
Economics and business management