Keywords: structure, social capital, trust, norms, values, social networks


The article elaborates the theoretical and methodical bases for the justification of the structure of social capital and the identification, classification and characteristics of its components. A comparative description of the characteristics of macro-, meso- and micro-level social capital is given. The characteristics of social capital at the specified levels are based on such features as: belonging to the level, features of formation, reproduction and accumulation, economic basis, goal setting and components. The first level of consideration of social capital can tentatively be called the micro level. It focuses on social interaction between individuals. The second level – the meso level – is formed within institutional sectors, between institutional units and affects the stability of the entire socio-economic system. Macro-levels can differ significantly in terms of the content and actual content of social norms operating on them and networks from micro-level interactions. It has been proven that the carrier of social capital is a social network of a certain type. It was determined that this is where the contradictions arise between social norms regulating international relations, relations at the level of state administration, and family values. It was established that among the components of social capital at the macro-, meso-, or microeconomic level, internal social capital can be distinguished based on the relationship to the internal environment of the economic system, and external social capital based on the relationship to external social interaction. It has been proven that each of these types of social capital includes three unified elements: trust as a complex product of the interaction of social structures that determines the behavior (motivation) of subjects; values and norms that can be weakened or strengthened, determining ways of effective and stable interaction of subjects in the process of implementing socio-economic relations, as well as social networks that allow subjects to coordinate their vertical and horizontal connections aimed at successfully achieving the set of variable goals.


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How to Cite
Nemashkalo, K. (2022). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF STRUCTURING SOCIAL CAPITAL. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 28-32.
Economics and national economy management