Keywords: logistics, entrepreneurial activity, logistics concept, subsystem, tasks


The modern supply chain is a network system focused on the management process from production to final delivery. This requires appropriate management, as well as options for technical solutions, which are increasingly used in all areas. Business, internal and social aspects increasingly define what logistics must achieve and determine which individual services need to be improved. Each individual logistics service has a certain dependent relationship with other services. This interdependent relationship can cause one performance to have little effect on another when optimized, meaning it can be relatively neutral. However, it is equally possible that an improvement in one aspect will have a beneficial effect on another, or a negative effect on other logistics outcomes. In any case, optimization of the logistics system and related measures lead to increased costs or negatively affect other values of delivery efficiency. The article examines the target functions of entrepreneurial activity in a fragmentary manner, divided into income generation and frugality and based on its theoretical and methodological apparatus. The main attention is paid to the participation and prospects of the development of entrepreneurial activity in solving tasks to be solved in logistics. The purpose of the article is to reveal the possibility of practical use of entrepreneurial activity in logistics. In connection with this, there was a need to conduct an express analysis of the multifaceted content of the concept of entrepreneurial activity. It has a theoretical and methodological focus. Theoretical - in the form of a set of certain ideas and views, a set of provisions of activity as an object or category, united by common features, principles and factors. Methodological - in the form of a set of applied techniques and methods, ways and means of activity. Entrepreneurship is to one degree or another an important part of almost all activities aimed at the production of products, performance and provision of various services. In order to increase the efficiency of the use of warehouse space and volumes, as well as vehicles in terms of time and carrying capacity, to minimize product losses during loading, unloading and transportation, to increase the productivity of warehouse workers, a number of measures must be taken. Entrepreneurship actively participates in solving logistics tasks in almost all areas, including transport and maintenance, production, material and technological supply, inventory management, sales of products to consumers. The development of technical progress, especially information technologies, and even the appearance of modern production and economic-technical equipment used in logistics, will allow to expand and deepen the methods and tools used in business activities, including economic-mathematical methods. and models for improving logistics efficiency in its various subsystems and as a whole.


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Economics and business management