Keywords: market, price, market functions, stages of development, concepts of development, laws of proposal and demand


The evolution of the concept of the market takes place under the influence of the rapid development of the economy and many factors of the macro- and microenvironment. Gradually developing from the territorial nature of the definition of the concept, it retains its basic essence as the interaction of demand and proposal, and is supplemented by a description of mechanisms and tools that allow regulating the relationship between buyers and sellers, based on the main functions of the market. Various approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept of market are analyzed, based on which five main stages of the evolution of the concept of the market are defined: gradually developing from the territorial character of the definition of the concept, it retains its basic essence as the interaction of demand and supply, and is supplemented by a description of the mechanisms and tools that allow regulate the relationship between buyers and sellers based on the basic functions of the market. The definition of the market is formulated as a mechanism of interaction between buyers and sellers, which is, on the one hand, a self-regulating economic system based on the laws of supply and demand, formed under the influence of a number of limiting and stimulating factors, and on the other hand, a system that requires economic and administrative regulation with on the part of the state to ensure public interests. The main functions of the market are considered: pricing, reproduction, stimulation, regulation, sanitation control, informational, intermediary, disinfection function. A competitive function has been added to the main functions, which is responsible for creating conditions for healthy competition on the market and encouraging manufacturers to take competitive actions, measures, and decisions effective in the competition for the consumer. The need to create a significant administrative-organizational mechanism of influence on the elimination of the disparity in the development of various spheres of the economy, which requires intervention through means of regulation both at the national and local levels, is substantiated.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, T., & Rodina, O. (2022). EVOLUTION OF THE CONCEPT «MARKET» IN THE CONTEXT OF EXPANDING ITS FUNCTIONS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (24), 103-107. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/24.17
Economics and business management