Keywords: SEO promotion, PPC promotion, website traffic optimization techniques, website conversion optimization techniques, search engine marketing (SEM), conversion rate optimization audit (CRO audit), traffic rate optimization audit (TRO audit)


The purpose of the article is to develop an integrated approach to evaluating the effectiveness of website optimization and promotion by conversion and traffic technologies, as well as to determine on what grounds in the short term it is advisable to focus on increasing traffic, and on which it is better to focus on the conversion level as the key goal of marketing activities. Companies growing online usually have limited resources in the short term. It is important for them to choose the optimal way to promote the website to attract traffic, generate leads, and build an effective strategy and tactics. This cannot be done without evaluating the marketing activities that the company has carried out in the past. That is why this study is relevant. The methodological basis of the article is scientific and professional marketing literature about the promotion and optimization of sites, as well as blogs of digital marketing agencies. We used the following methods of scientific research: inductive analysis, synthesis, tabular and mathematical modeling, content analysis, comparative analysis. The article describes the essence of traffic and conversion marketing measures. The main sources and methods of attracting traffic to the website are outlined. It was determined under which conditions during site optimization it is advisable to aim at maximizing traffic, and under which conditions it is better to focus on conversion. The methodology for evaluating SEO and PPC promotion of websites is described in detail. The key components that a conversion optimization (CRO) audit should contain are highlighted. An audit of the level of traffic optimization (TRO) is proposed, which is necessary to determine measures to attract high-quality target traffic, as well as a concept of promotion with an orientation towards the gradual coverage of key requests from the least frequent to the most. The approbation of the proposed evaluation approach on the website of the Bednarska Beauty Center is briefly described. The practical value of the research is the opportunity to use this approach to evaluating the optimization and promotion of websites to further develop a marketing strategy for development in the online environment. It is worth noting that the proposed approach of integral evaluation is a scientific novelty, however, it can already be used by the company in your business.


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How to Cite
Hnylyakevych-Prots, I., & Zinkova, S. (2022). EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF WEBSITE OPTIMIZATION AND PROMOTION BY TRAFFIC AND CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (24), 77-82. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/24.12
Economics and business management