• Vira Butenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Anna Toiunda National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: marketing environment, SWOT analysis, competitive environment, evaluation of economic efficiency, marketing tools, sales market


The article reveals the essence of the concept of marketing strategy of the enterprise. Formation of marketing strategystrategy is an important tool for the effective development of the enterprise. The performed economic analysis of production at "Renome-Partner" LLC, in particular, the financial state, the use of enterprise resources, the internal and external environment of operation, made it possible to single out directions for cost optimization and form vectors of enterprise development. The company's strengths and weaknesses, potential market opportunities and threats are identified and structured using a SWOT analysis. The main measures for the formation of a marketing strategy for the further effective development of the company were determined. The author proposed measures for the marketing strategy of the company's development. Increasing the market share due to the expansion of the assortment, improvement of the quality of products and conducting advertising events; increase in the volume of production and sale of products through the use of new technologies and improvement of sales channels; development of new markets due to the use of innovations in the processes of production and sale of products; improvement of pricing policy by attracting new suppliers to cooperation and supply conditions, applying different pricing strategies and methods, calculating specific prices, reasonableness of discount and surcharge systems, etc.; improving the image of the organization due to social responsibility; increasing the speed of response of management personnel to changes by improving the qualifications of management personnel; reducing the influence of competitors due to the expansion of the product range; increasing labor productivity and increasing the stimulation of highly qualified employees can be used to improve the quality of management, increase sales and increase the level of competitiveness of a manufacturing enterprise.


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How to Cite
Butenko, V., & Toiunda, A. (2022). FORMATION OF THE MARKETING STRATEGY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (24), 61-67.
Economics and business management