Keywords: climate change, climate-neutral innovations, ecological management, energy management, climate sacurity, energy efficiency


The mitigation, adaptation and prevention of climate change, its impact on the energy security, the integration of environmental component into the energy management system as well as the development of a management mechanism to ensure the transition of energy enterprises to climate neutrality and balanced resource use are on the agenda of the world community. In particular, the climate challenges require of the innovative approaches to ecological and energy management at enterprises. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of climate management introduction at energy enterprises as a tool for strengthening the ecological and energy security. The methodological basis of the research are the following methods: dialectical cognition, induction, deduction, comparative analysis, and synthesis. Russia's military aggression into Ukraine have been intensifying the European Union regulatory activity in the direction of diversification of renewable energy sources and the transition to climate neutrality. In addition, in Ukraine, the development of "road" maps for the post-war recovery of critical energy infrastructure in regions exposed to war risks is an importance. The article defines the components of enterprises’ climate management as a tool for strengthening the ecological and energy security. The introduction of climate management into the management system of enterprise to ensure ecological and energy security is considered as an innovative decision for the development of "green" energy as a component of the low-carbon economy. As a result, the article proposes a conceptual model of climate policy integration into the enterprise's ecological and energy management system. The practical value of the conceptual model lies in the formation of a bridgehead to ensure the sustainable development of the ecosystem (enterprise) based on the climate-neutral intersegmental interaction, the balanced and circular resource use. Prospects for further research consist in assessing the sustainability of climate-neutral innovations introduction in the context of enterprises’ sustainable development.


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Eurobarometer: Europeans set defence and energy autonomy as key priorities for 2022. Press and information team of the Delegation to UKRAINE. Brussels. 15.06.2022. Available at: (in English)

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Economics and business management