Keywords: neuromarketing, neuromarketing technologies, neuromarketing tools, consumer behavior, marketing research


The development of marketing research technologies, in particular the study of consumer behavior with the help of neuromarketing tools, allows us to understand how consumers make choices, which areas of brain are activated at the same time, and how advertising changes this picture. Nowadays, traditional marketing methods of researching the market, consumers’ needs are not able to fully provide results that correspond to the truth. This is caused by the low quality of primary data collection, for example, in a survey with a large sample, many mistakes are made due to the incompetence of interviewers, incorrectly completed questionnaires or biased answers of respondents. Neuromarketing is the practical use of neuropsychology in the field of marketing. The main provisions of neuromarketing are based on the fact that it is necessary to update the views on marketing research and focus on the study of human perception, to investigate the conscious and unconscious in a person. The main advantage of neuromarketing arises from the fact that it provides access to information that is not available through conventional methods. With the help of neuromarketing technologies, you can conduct an in-depth analysis, find those triggers that are more likely to work for a certain category of consumers. The techniques of neuromarketing are not something separate from marketing: a commercial is an element of promotion; neuromarketing, at the same time, will answer the question of how to create this video properly. Modern technologies and methods make it possible to study the neurophysiological reactions of a person in common life situations and to better understand unconscious causes of their behavior. By means of neuromarketing, one can solve such tasks as choosing products to expand the assortment, creating effective advertising creatives, testing different methods of communication with the target audience, starting from product packaging and ending with music in advertising or at the point of sale, developing brand attributes or carrying out rebranding, as well as choosing advertising solutions in ATL and BTL advertising. This article presents the specifics of the use of various neuromarketing technologies, as well as recommendations for their usage as tools for consumer behavior research.


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How to Cite
Karpenko, L., & Ostapchuk, A. (2022). NEUROMARKETING TECHNOLOGIES OF CONSUMERS’ BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (24), 34-37.
Economics and national economy management