Keywords: analysis, international financial organization, international monetary fund, economic supervision, lending, capacity development, charity


The article is devoted to the justification of the theoretical and practical aspects of the functioning of international financial organizations, which play a key role in the system of international economic relations, and are also an integral part of the world economy. The article is devoted to the analysis of performance indicators of international financial organizations. The analysis of performance indicators of international financial organizations was carried out on the example of the International Monetary Fund. The analysis of indicators of the activities of international financial organizations was made over three years based on the annual reports of the International Monetary Fund for 2019 "Our Interdependent World", 2020 "A Year Like No Other" and 2021 "Creating a Better Future". In the article, the authors analyzed the number of inspections of the state of the economy of countries over the past three years, the volume of loans granted by the International Monetary Fund for 2019-2021, the structure of costs for potential development in the total costs for the main types of activities of the International Monetary Fund for the past three years, the costs of the International Monetary Fund on capacity development activities. In the article, the authors paid much attention to such an important component as charity. "Joint philanthropy is a charitable program of the foundation, which is supported by donations from its employees and pensioners, as well as financed within the framework of charitable initiatives of the International Monetary Fund. Therefore, within the framework of this program, the authors analyzed the donations and contributions of employees and pensioners. In the article, the authors considered and analyzed the main functions of the International Monetary Fund, namely economic surveillance as providing member states with recommendations on taking policy measures to achieve macroeconomic stability, accelerating economic growth and reducing poverty; lending - providing financing to member states to assist them in solving balance of payments problems, including situations of foreign currency shortages that arise when their external payments exceed their foreign currency receipts; capacity development includes technical assistance and training at the request of member states to assist them in developing economic institutions to design and implement sound economic policies.


Офіційний сайт Міжнародного валютного фонду. URL: (дата звернення: 10.08.2022).

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Річний звіт Міжнародного валютного фонду за 2020 рік. URL: (дата звернення: 10.08.2022).

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How to Cite
Sysoenko, I., & Karliuka, D. (2022). THE ANALYSIS OF THE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (24), 23-27.
World economy and international economic relations