Keywords: labour markets, structural characteristics, qualitative transformations, development models, economic systems, social progress, socio-political shocks


The article is devoted to the study of a wide range of economic development models and generalization of world experience in social and labour system transformations within each model. The idea of circular relationships between the functioning and evolution of the labour market and socio-economic growth is substantiated. The processes of qualitative transformations of labour markets in the coordinates of models of deindustrialization, post-industrialization, reindustrialization, neoindustrialization, as well as under such modern trends as digitalization and technologization are considered. The conducted conceptual-retrospective analysis provides grounds for important conclusions in terms of identifying common features, trends and consequences of labour market evolution, including their impact on achieving goals and objectives of economic development, contributing to adjusting plans and transition to other types of growth. The inconsistencies and obsolescence of many economic concepts, models and paradigms in contrast to modern conditions of social existence, which are developing simultaneously in two directions – technological progress and macroeconomic growth, on the one hand, and increasing instability, macroeconomic crises and socio-political shocks, on the other. The main specifics of the labour market evolution in the countries, systematically affected by modern hybrid challenges, risks and threats leading to critically negative consequences, are of medium and long-term nature. Such countries need a proactive public policy aimed at preserving and protecting human potential, at converging social and labour market security systems based on best international practices, at modernization of the labour market, employment and income, as well as systematic development of private labour market infrastructure and social-partnership relations. In this context, the instruments of the policy for stabilization and recovery of the economy through realization of the new potential of the labour market, including ensuring its resilience and competitiveness, have been identified.


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How to Cite
Vasyltsiv, T., Lupak, R., & Levytska, O. (2022). EVOLUTION OF LABOUR MARKETS UNDER DIFFERENT MODELS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CONDITIONS OF CONFLICT AND INSTABILITY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (24), 7-16. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/24.1
Economic theory and history of economic thought