Keywords: innovation potential, innovation activity, innovation project, agricultural enterprises, resource approach, evaluation model


World experience of management in synthesis with the experience of domestic agricultural producers confirms the thesis of the priority of scientific and technological progress and active innovation processes in the development of agricultural enterprises. In the context of this, it becomes clear that the successful operation of economic entities requires systematic, purposeful innovation of entrepreneurial activity. The ability of an enterprise to carry out its activities effectively depends on the level of its innovation potential, as it is the assessment of innovation potential that allows to determine the vector of innovative development and highlight key benefits of the enterprise, among other market participants. The decision-making process at agricultural enterprises on the implementation of innovative activities requires a comprehensive analysis of financial and economic activities of the enterprise. Accordingly, the issue of assessing the level of innovation potential of agricultural enterprises for planning innovation is relevant. The purpose of scientific work is to form an approach to assessing the innovative potential of agricultural enterprises. Within the framework of the set goal, theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of «innovation potential» were analyzed and the author’s definition of this concept was formed; the analysis of approaches to assessing the level of innovation potential of agricultural enterprises and the advantages and disadvantages of each of them; the three-component model of innovative potential of agar enterprises is given and the expediency of its practical application is scientifically substantiated; based on the proposed model, the level of innovation potential of the selected business entity was determined. The proposed model allows to determine the feasibility of its implementation at the stage of planning innovation activities. Information on the level of innovation potential will allow the management of enterprises to diagnose the level of their innovative development on a «before-after» basis, i.e., to monitor the position of the previous and current financial condition of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Chikov , I. (2022). ASSESSMENT OF THE LEVEL OF INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (23), 96-102.
Economics and business management