• J. Tuleneva National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • N. Maistrenko National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: logistic processes, management of logistics processes, material flow, management efficiency


The article reveals the essence of the system of logistic processes management of enterprise through the isolation of its main components. Shows the concept of logistics processes and infrastructure, which includes warehousing, handling, transport, packaging and information infrastructure. Each of these components provides infrastructure incorporates the presence of a number of elements. In particular, the storage infrastructure includes houses and buildings and equipment for packing, handling is such that involves internal transport service production and auxiliary equipment. Transport, as part of the overall framework, is designed to provide service to all other processes through transport routes, vehicles, items and auxiliary equipment for maintenance of roads. Along with this there are two levels through which the infrastructure logistics processes can be considered macro and micro level. The article also provides a set of principles that ensure the efficiency of logistics processes management of the company, including a systematic approach to managing logistics processes, sustainability management system logistics processes, its adaptability and optimization of supply chain operations of the company. Among the elements of the system of logistics processes were singled business management, integrated information system, transport system, the system of supply of raw materials, warehousing and packaging products as well as product distribution system. Each of these subsystems is aimed at implementing a number of features to ensure uninterrupted performance of production tasks. It is indicated, information system designed to provide all other processes information in sufficient quantity, while transport is closely connected with it, have moved material flow between different units. The system supply provides the necessary manufacturing process and raw materials, which in the future is their conversion into finished products, sold through distribution network.


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How to Cite
Tuleneva, J., & Maistrenko, N. (2016). THE COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM OF LOGOSTIC PROCESSES MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (2), 43-48. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research