Keywords: business model, digitalization, adaptation, strategy


In the modern conditions the most important priorities for companies deal with the company’s ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, change the way they do business and determine the optimal business model that is effective in a dynamic environment and in the long term.  The article is devoted to the issues of transformation of business models as an iterative process aimed not only at studying the existing realities of the industry, but also at identifying the main possible directions for its further development. Based on modern approaches to business models development the steps in a sample business model review framework for the listed potentials are outlined. In the applied context, as an important factor in the adaptability of business models, we note digitalization, which has fully come into its own in a relatively short period of time. It completely changed the architecture of modern business models and required fundamental changes from all market participants. We can conclude that the potential of functional use of websites by enterprises by type of economic activity is not fully used.

Author Biographies

Vitalii Omelyanenko, Sumy State Makarenko Pedagogical University

доктор економічних наук, доцент

Valeriia Bila , Sumy State Makarenko Pedagogical University



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How to Cite
Omelyanenko, V., Omelyanenko, O., & Bila , V. (2022). CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ADAPTIVE BUSINESS MODELS DEVELOPMENT (SERVICE SECTORS CASE). Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (23), 75-82.
Economics and business management