The purpose of the article is to find the features of the formation of financial and economic security in the BANI World, and to specify the principles of strategic management of this system, taking into account the risks that the realities of such a world carries for the activities of modern business structures. Methodology of research. The method of content analysis of scientific literature, graphic method, methods of generalization and systematization of material are used. Findings. The characteristics of the system of financial and economic security are determined. The vectors of realization of strategic management of financial and economic security in the conditions of fragility, anxiety, nonlinearity and incomprehensibility are offered. The approach in which the financial and economic security system was built with a clear fixed structure, which was usually fragmented and focused on protecting the main business processes of the enterprise, should replace the security system model, which will be characterized by dynamic security-oriented tasks and the ability to quickly transform their own architecture under the influence of new challenges of time. Personnel play a crucial role in such a system, as their anxiety and uncertainty in the future become a source of many additional risks. The maximum level of information transparency in the financial and economic security management will stabilize the situation in the team and work together to ensure the business structure in the changing realities of the BANI World. Strategic management of financial and economic security of enterprises should be aimed at achieving the overall goal of their activities without excessive detail of the measures that should be taken, but with the maximum frequency of review of strategic guidelines. Resources should not be spent on planning and forecasting threats and risks, but it is advisable to focus on developing scenarios of response to events that may lead to a change in the strategic vision of the entity. Practical value. Application of the expressed offers will allow to modernize the financial and economic security systems.
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