The purpose of this article is to study the prospects of processing by-products of private farms into biofuels in order to increase Ukraine's energy independence and self-sufficiency in fuel resources to heat households. The relevance of the study lies in the need for directions of development of biofuel production in the short term to meet the needs of personal farms. In the course of the research a set of general scientific and special methods was used: economic analysis - in determining the efficiency of biogas and solid biofuel production by private farms; analysis and synthesis – with a combination of components of economic phenomena in a single process; graphic – with a visual display of individual indicators of the functioning of farms; deductive – in the theoretical understanding of the problem and clarification of certain concepts; inductive – in the collection, systematization and processing of information. The obtained results include a set of directions for the implementation of measures to develop the production of biofuels in private farms and rural communities and reduce energy dependence. The approaches of scientists and methods and directions of development of biofuel production in Ukraine are studied. The most expedient methods of biofuel production in rural areas have been identified. Measures are proposed to develop state subsidy programs for rural households that keep three or more cows and plan to produce biogas for their own needs. It is determined that the use of advanced technologies for the production of biogas and solid biofuels by private farms from by-products of their own agricultural production is less expensive and will take a relatively short period of time than increasing natural gas production. The necessity of using digestate as a means of increasing crop yields is substantiated. The practical value of the study is to develop a set of measures to start the production of biofuels in private farms. The basic scheme of processing of wastes of agricultural activity in personal peasant farms on biogas and solid biofuel is formed. The developed directions of development of biofuel production should be used as a supplement to the current Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2035 "Security, energy efficiency, competitiveness".
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