In the context of the impression economy, the use of non-traditional marketing tools is significantly relevant. Under conditions of hyper-competition, the consumer will choose the one that will give the best impression from among many identical products. The main source of impressions and emotions is the human sensory system. To attract consumers to the market of tourist services, influence their behavior and decision-making in a certain direction, psychological methods, techniques, technologies, and tools of neuromarketing (sensory marketing) are becoming increasingly important today, which prompted the authors to analyze respondents' perceptions travel according to the results of a poll. The authors compiled a questionnaire to study the impact on which senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch) most often motivate the traveler to make a decision and which technologies leave the tourist the most impressions and emotions. The poll was conducted during November-December 2021 and January 2022 by questionnaire. The only restriction on which the respondents were elected were residents of the Lviv region (Ukraine). The sociological survey conducted by the authors involved 234 residents of the Lviv region: 144 women and 90 men. The error rate is set at 7%. The survey concluded that associative memory, which is associated with the traveler's five sensory systems, motivates him to make certain choices and leaves a trail of travel that influences future decisions and memories. The authors consider which sensory organs are most influenced by tourists divided into two groups: men and women, as well as which psycho-emotional methods of influence will be more appropriate to use in tourism for each of the groups of respondents. According to the study, the authors formed a so-called “sensory (neuro)” portrait of the preferences of tourists – women and men, which reflects the sensory feelings of tourists, the impact of which will allow tourism organizations to better influence their behavior and emotions and impressions. The results of the study can be used in the development of tours by travel agencies, as well as state and regional authorities and district state administrations.
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