The aim of the study is the theoretical justification of the strategic aspects of crisis management and application of the synergy of the combination of people and new technologies and the development of practical recommendations to ensure the development of agro-industrial enterprises. In the process of research used general scientific and special methods, in particular: dialectical, system analysis in identifying the potential benefits of crisis management to increase the ability to adapt to new realities; statistical in establishing long-term trends in effective operation and business development; abstract-logical in determining the features of crisis management of enterprises and the relationship of the role of people in the first place, investing in technology, strengthening security, cooperation with partners and competitors; graphic in improving the algorithm of technological scheme of crisis management of enterprises and anti-crisis economic policy to counter the pandemic in Ukraine. Theoretical aspects of crisis management in a pandemic based on the consideration of domestic and foreign scientists and generalization of international and domestic experience gained during the pandemic are advanced.The problems of applying anti-crisis management at the enterprise level and state influence under pandemic conditions are disclosed. Developed practical recommendations and an algorithm for improving the crisis management system through the need to rethink workforce readiness and potential; cooperation among senior managers to define a new direction in human capital management; combination of people and technology to reorganize work; integration of well-being in work. The tools for the implementation of transformational changes in agro-industrial enterprises are justified. Highlighted the strategic aspects of the application of new technologies of crisis management based on building confidence in the enterprise; investing in technology, automation and tools that perform the tasks; put people first; strengthen security; cooperate with partners and competitors, consider trends as evolving business operations in line with the rapidly changing world in order to grow the business, industry transformation for recovery and development. An improved crisis management algorithm will facilitate a real-time, detailed review of crisis management capabilities, have a clear, measurable maturity assessment and a prioritized roadmap for the development program. Strategically and tactically the main priority of crisis management is to address issues related to human capital management, the coherence of a team of managers focused on people and technology, the ability of employees to adapt to change, retrain and learn new roles to enable them to respond to radical changes in the future.
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