In recent years, business structures are rapidly using modern information resources with the help of electronic technologies, which should improve business management in order to choose the best solution for maximum profit. The main purpose of the introduction of e-commerce is to expand sales channels, minimize operating costs and increase the financial and economic activities of the business structure. According to the above conditions, the need for analytical assessment of e-commerce of various types of business structures is quite true. Using e-commerce, which is involved in the development of financial and economic activities of the business structure, will have an additional income from the sale of their products, will be able to minimize costs and reduce the time of transactions regardless of location of potential consumers. Entrepreneurial structures that seek to create an innovative product and enter foreign markets with it must invest their money in the latest IT developments, as e-commerce is at the forefront of the economic sphere of any society. An important role is played by the development of effective vectors of decision-making. The article analyzes and substantiates the vectors of regulation of business structure development based on e-commerce technologies, developed a mathematical mechanism for calculating selected operations structures based on e-commerce technologies. In the course of the research it was revealed that the regulation of the development of business structures on the basis of e-commerce technologies has a systemic character, is characterized by cyclicality and hierarchy. These characteristics ensure the effectiveness of regulatory decisions. It is proved that in the conditions of application of e-commerce technologies, the function of regulating the development of business structure should be automated. This will reduce the influence of subjective factors on the choice of regulatory decisions and ensure the logic of the process of achieving the expected results. Regarding the development of further research in this direction, we should pay attention to the study of vectors for regulating the development of business structure based on e-commerce technologies.
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