The modern global trends, tools and technologies of digital transformation of enterprise finance were considered in the article. The key drivers of change in the digital age are described: systemic, social, market and technological, as well as the main obstacles for enterprises on the path of digitalization: the formation of "new transparency" and the need to adapt enterprises to doing business in the newly created environment, the rapid development of artificial intelligence and the inability to rely on tradition. The main tools of adaptation of enterprises to digitalization of finance – data, value and business model are considered. Significant advantages of the digital transformation of the enterprise’s finances include improved customer experience, flexibility and acceleration of business processes, innovative opportunities for business development, and the use of modern technologies for data processing, partnerships and collaboration. It is determined that in order to succeed in the digital transformation of finance, enterprises must focus on preparatory work, which includes: setting business goals and strategies; knowledge of the processes to which the transformation will be applied; knowledge of data to be used for digitized processes; team building; establishing a roadmap, scope and plan for financial transformation, realistic, measurable and achievable criteria; preparation of a clear and complete set of requirements that the future decision will meet. Describes the key skills (business skills, technical skills, leadership and people skills, digital skills) and competencies (general digital literacy, special knowledge at the intersection of IT and finance, "soft skills") of the financier of the future in the digital world. A detailed description of key digital technologies and tools in finance, which are actively implemented in enterprises: cloud computing, robotics, visualization, in-depth analytics, cognitive computing, in-memory computing, block chain, managed analytical function. Also, their technological features are outlined: virtualization, automation, remote or decentralized interaction and globalism. The level and forecast of development, as well as the level of readiness for the adoption of digital tools in the finances of the enterprise are analyzed. Possible ways to transform the company's finances with the help of new technologies are identified.
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