Several UN sustainable development goals were observed in the paper: no poverty, good health, and well-being, climate action, life on land. The goals’ performance by Ukraine was estimated with help of national (since UN goals are universal, every country has the opportunity to add its indicators which could help with the evaluation) and basic indicators (indicators which were determined by the UN). Accounting of sustainable development goals in Ukraine and its prospects of improvement were analyzed and some conclusions were made: for its improvement, the number of measures, which are estimated, should be expanded. The conclusion was made on the comprehensiveness of national statistics accounting in comparison to the other countries and main UN indicators: the fullness and amount of the national statistics are lower than Polish and Germany, in addition, during the research we understood that existing information isn’t perfect. The assumption was made on the progress of completing those goals in comparison to the observed countries: our country has a lag, however, exist several economic, political, and social problems that should be solved before more resources can be allocated to the goals, hence, some tasks have priority for Ukraine on the macro level. The graphics were made to track dynamics in the indicators’ change, the general trends were analyzed, the conclusion was made on the changes, fluctuations, and cliffs which are pictured on the graphic: the negative or neutral trends are detected which are unenthusiastic signals, it means government politics is not effective in many dimensions. In addition, the indicators of the countries were brought to a single standard for their objective comparison. The table of the indicators’ comparison (under the same number) was made: Ukrainian, Poland, Germany, and UN indicators were compared. The assumption on the need for additional research conduction in the area of sustainable development comparing in Ukraine and the world was made, need to borrow the methods of reaching the goals in other countries was discovered.
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