It is defined in the article that the development of the electronic systems creates a new virtual reality to conduct a real business in the field of electronic commerce. The implementation of the innovational technologies of crediting in the field of e-commerce is caused by the growth of the amount of bank which have started to provide an extended package of Internet services in Ukraine and around the globe. It is proved that the implementation of the innovational technologies of crediting offers possibilities to reduce the time of data processing, provide clients with a remote service and, therefore, increase the client database. There was made an analysis of the word volumes and the new trends of the e-commerce development were determined according to the terms of the world pandemic of the COVID-19, namely globalization and erasing of the borders, usage of innovational data technologies as VR/AR, voice control, Artificial Intelligence, usage of phones in the field of e-commerce. New trends and tendencies are detailed, the main problems are highlighted and also it is emphasized that the domestic market of e-commerce coexists alongside with the general world trends with specific vectors of development. There are mentioned the examples of using modern bank digital innovations in Ukraine: namely the system of wireless payment methods by Mastercard called PayPass, the launch of a global service AndroidPay and a mutual inventory of the international payment system Visa and "PrivatBank" of applicating the e-technology Visa Token Service. The expediency of distributing installments from JSC CB "PrivatBank", which promotes credit programs within card products, is substantiated on the online lending market. Particular attention ispaid to the main steps of implementing the innovational technologies by credit institutions. It is determined that the possibility of lending in e-commerce is in the interest of online stores due to having this option as a component of product distribution in the market and sales level increase. Itisalsomentioned, that such products are devoid of outdated demands of bank crediting and are competitive in the bank service market.
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