Keywords: entrepreneurship, business, business model, development, latest information technologies, implementation


The article is devoted to the study of the impact of the latest information technologies on existing business models. The conceptual apparatus of business models is considered. The evolution of business models is considered, considering the huge impact of advances in information technology. It is revealed that information technologies continue to develop along the current trajectory of productivity. It is substantiated that the combined effect of mobile technologies, portable devices and sensors, cloud computing and Big Data technologies will improve the structure of future business models. The concept of business model is often used in the context of e-business. However, what we see today is only a modest beginning. Developments in IT are likely to radically change the nature of the firm, and with it the essence of innovation. The article analyses the impact of the latest information technologies on various business models in retail, pharmaceutical market, travel services, electronic markets and more. The following scenarios have been explored: Client intimacy agents, who are the digital representatives of clients in the market, use data to find and find solutions that will make them better. Value chain coordinators coordinate supply and demand, collect individual solutions and participate in e-innovation based on customer data. Manufacturers are increasingly engaged in market sales and data-based innovation. The definition of the value creation model and the profit model is given. The structure of expenses is revealed. Developments in the field of IT in various business models are considered. Innovations focused on customer and IT trends and business model development are studied. The article analyses the impact of the latest information technologies on various business models in retail, pharmaceutical market, travel services, electronic markets and more. This combined effect of mobile technology, portable devices, cloud computing and Big Data technologies will improve the structure of future business models. However, traditional forms of innovation will remain important, will become key differences that will require continuous continuous innovation and will continue to require traditional forms of innovation.


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How to Cite
Skibitska , L. (2021). BUSINESS MODELS AND THE LATEST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (21), 65-71.
Economics and business management