
The aim of the study is to reveal the essence, advantages and disadvantages, prospects for implementation and methods of digitalization of innovative methods of personnel management in domestic enterprises associated with the current stage of digitalization of the economy. The relevance of the study conducted in the article is that today the field of human resource management is subject to significant changes caused by automation and digitalization of all sectors of the economy. This, in turn, calls for increased attention to alternative methods of labor relations, which will allow management to coordinate their actions at a critical moment, prevent possible losses and stay at a level of profitability no lower than before, and thus increase efficiency. The digitalization of human resources management at the same time gives the company even greater benefits. During the study, the authors used general and specific methods of analysis, in particular, generalization, analysis, synthesis, detailing, comparison, as well as structuring, tabular and graphical interpretation. As a result of the study it was found that in our country these types of labor relations are just beginning to develop, despite the significant world experience in this field. It was found that the obstacles to the active introduction of outstaffing in the practice of personnel management are the shortcomings in the labor legislation, the solution of which needs to be regulated at the state level. Methods and directions of digitalization of personnel management processes are also analyzed, which in combination with the latest methods of labor relations organization will allow domestic enterprises to increase their efficiency and competitiveness. The practical value of the study is that the authors performed a comparative analysis of various forms of alternative methods of organizing trade relations in modern domestic conditions of digital economy, schematically reflected the conceptual directions of digitalization of labor management processes and provided recommendations for implementing the proposed methods. Key words: digital economy, outstaffing, personnel outsourcing, personnel leasing, digitalization of personnel management.


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How to Cite
Dashko, I. (2021). NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR WORKING WITH PERSONNEL IN THE AGE OF DIGITAL ECONOMY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (21), 35-42.
Economics and business management