• Pavlo Brin National Technical University «Kharkiv PolytechnicInstitute» https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7374-3727
  • Yuliia Holtvyanska National Technical University «Kharkiv PolytechnicInstitute»
Keywords: strategy, business, enterprise development, classification of strategies


The article considers the concept of strategy as a fundamental component of business, its interpretation and role in the company; explores methodological approaches to the classification of enterprise development strategies by papers of many native and foreign authors.The enterprise strategy is considered as one of the main concepts in strategic management. Various scholars have proposed many definitions of the term "strategy". From these definitions it has been concluded that strategy is a component of strategic management that allows the company to achieve clearly defined objectives, to ensure competitiveness in the market, to ensure the state of the company so that it can operate successfully in difficult market conditions.Every organization must have clearly defined goals in order to ensure stable work in the future. This requires managers to understand the essence of strategy, use techniques and methods of strategic management, development of strategic plans. Hence, the strategy must change and adapt to changing conditions of both external and internal environments of the company. The authors have defined that the strategy is a plan of the company, which should include both long-term and short-term goals of the company, which is based on competitive advantage, and which includes a list of tasks that must be attained to achieve these goals. The enterprise development strategy is a set of methods and processes invested in achieving goals and objectives. The formation of enterprise development strategy plays an important role in adapting the business to the ever-changing external and internal market environment. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors propose to add to the generally accepted classification approaches the division of development strategies according to the stages of the life cycle of the strategic management area. The proposed classification is based on the stage of business development and involves the choice of a new approach to economic activity. Using of the proposed classification approach should simplify for the management of enterprises the choice among different ways of development and increase the overall efficiency of economic activity.


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How to Cite
Brin, P., & Holtvyanska, Y. (2021). ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY: ESSENCE AND CLASSIFICATION. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (21), 31-34. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/21.5
Economics and business management