• Liudmyla Kot Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: national economy, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, macroeconomic category, entrepreneur, economic activity


The article provides a structural and meaningful study of social entrepreneurship as a macroeconomic category. In order to more fully disclose the structure and content of the category "social entrepreneurship", such concepts as: "interest", "social norm", "compulsion", "motive", "entrepreneurship", "entrepreneur", "Entrepreneurial Management", "common values", "solidarity", "civil participation", "socially useful activities", "charity", "socially responsible business", "social service", "social activism" were studied. It is noted that the category of social entrepreneurship is an important attribute of the modern national economy. The content features of social entrepreneurship are determined: 1) registration as an institution; 2) the presence of a relatively stable network around the enterprise, where contacts with its center include horizontal connections; 3) social entrepreneurship brings profit, which is distributed to the development of the enterprise, among participants and is aimed at social projects and charity; 4) social entrepreneurship is aimed at solving socially significant problems; 5) in social entrepreneurship, an entrepreneur and social innovations are combined, that is, rules of society's life are created or rules are modified that coordinate the sphere of management that is close to the social entrepreneur. The definition of social entrepreneurship is proposed as: a rational economic activity that is aimed at fully solving or reducing the threat from socially important problems, has social influence, innovation, availability of financial resources that contribute to maintaining the organization's activities, through an entrepreneurial approach and self-sufficiency; as a form of civic participation, which is characterized by the presence of a network of social contacts that are formed around social enterprises; as a form of building solidarity, which contributes to the creation of a solidarity economy in a modern humane society. It is noted that one of the most important properties of social entrepreneurship is the balance of profit and social purpose of the organization characteristic of this category, the use of socio-economic innovations that lead to the acceleration of social changes and the satisfaction of public needs. It is proved that social entrepreneurship acts in various organizational and legal forms, depending on socio-economic and cultural conditions, as well as certain tasks that social entrepreneurs set for themselves, and is an independent direction of economic activity. It is stated that the idea of social entrepreneurship is important for the progressive formation and development of the social environment, contributes to the activation of civic participation and solidarity, and is also the basis for sustainable development of the country's economy.


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Economics and national economy management