Keywords: tendencies, levels, human development, metrics, goals, security, index, social imbalances, inequalities, mobility, nature, opportunities, activity, actions


The article is devoted to the identification of global and regional trends, identification of problems, and determinants of influence on the expansion of opportunities for growth in human development. Planetary and social imbalances are reinforced, many inequalities in human development continue to grow, social mobility is declining, signs of democratic retreat and growing authoritarianism are a cause for concern, and collective action on anything from Covid-19 to climate change is becoming more difficult in the face of social fragmentation, inconsistencies in government actions for financial, administrative, and organizational support. Confirmed the growth of living standards and the satisfaction of basic needs, and the emergence of values of another order: the desire for political and economic freedom, creativity, leisure, respect, involvement in culture and science, creative and social activity, nature conservation, and living in harmony with it. The indicators used to calculate the human development index on the rating scale according to two calculation options: national and UN methodology are considered. The levels of human development were grouped according to the national and adapted UN methodology. The location of the regions of Ukraine according to the Human Development Index on the rating scale according to two variants of calculations is determined. There is a positive trend of increasing human development in Ukraine and in all regions and reducing the gap between higher and middle levels, which does not deny the growth trend, but indicates a reduction in gaps in interregional levels of human development in terms of dynamic changes. Despite the positive dynamics in general, the achieved parameters of human development in Ukraine lag behind the “ideal” trajectory. The expansion of indicators should be based on the confirmation of the original intentions of the approach to human activities and sustainable development goals, taking into account structural changes in threats to human security. The need to rethink indicators and the appropriateness of metrics is justified, taking into account the expansion of opportunities such as Internet access, people’s ability to control their lives through freedom of activity and social responsibility, and ensuring sustainable human development.


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How to Cite
Voloshchuk, K., & Voloshchuk, Y. (2021). FORMATION, ASSESSMENT, AND EXPANDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH OF THE LEVEL OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (19), 46-54.
Demography, labour economics, social economy and policy