• Polina Tkachenko KNEU named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: innovative activity, innovative enterprise, innovation


The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical innovation basis by defining the concepts of “innovation”, “innovation" and "innovation enterprise” and identify their relationship; identification of classifications and their application in the daily activities of enterprises and their impact on the organization of activities. The article considers the theoretical aspects of the definition and classification of enterprises’ innovative activities. The legal framework for innovation in Ukraine is analyzed, as well as key aspects of the Oslo Management. Deficiencies in the wording of the definitions of “innovation” and “innovation enterprise” have been identified. The main features of an innovative enterprise are highlighted and a clearer mathematical definition is proposed for a clear definition of the activity type to which the costs relate. Described and structured types of innovations and their importance in the normal activities of the enterprise also define the relationship between the innovation types and the sequence of their implementation in the enterprise. The hierarchy of innovations at the enterprise is constructed according to influence which they have on innovative and usual enterprise activity and their scheme is constructed. Cases are considered that cannot be considered the introduction of innovations, but are part of the normal operation of the enterprise. In writing the article, such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and analogy were used to determine the relationship between the types of innovations in the enterprise and combine them into a single system of innovations. This article will be useful for those who need a brief and specific description of the innovation activity organization in the enterprise, the definition of “innovation activity”, “innovation enterprise” and criteria for their definition in practice. The author also proposes a generalized formula for determining the criterion of innovation, which can be used in the innovative activity’s economic analysis of the enterprise over the years and to compare the innovative activities of enterprises with each other.


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How to Cite
Tkachenko, P. (2021). THEORETICAL BASIS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (19), 40-45.
Economics and business management