Keywords: demand formation, sales promotion, fish products, fish consumption, demand


The article is devoted to the study of measures to generate demand and stimulate sales in the domestic market of fish products in modern conditions. The need for such research is due to the rapid development of economic processes in our country and in the world, which requires constant research, including in fundamental and applied areas and for specific groups of goods, including fish products. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the study of scientific works of domestic scientists on the formation of demand and sales promotion and study of the state of demand in the domestic market of fish products. The information base of the research is the materials of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and the personal research of the author. In the process of research general scientific and economic methods were used: monographic method (in statement of a problem and definition of conclusions); graphic method (to display the main characteristics of demand formation and sales promotion). Demand generation and sales promotion are a complex and multifaceted process that consists of two interrelated parts. The article summarizes the theoretical aspects of demand formation and sales promotion, offers a comprehensive approach to their main goals, objectives, objects of influence and means of influence, considers price and non-price factors that affect the formation of demand, methods of price promotion. The goals of stimulating consumers, sellers and trade intermediaries to increase the demand for the company’s products are considered separately. Features of formation of demand for foodstuff are allocated. The current state of fish consumption in Ukraine, Europe and the world, recommended and actual consumption of fish products are considered. The main factors of demand formation for fish products are determined. It is investigated which species of fish are most in demand among different consumer groups, as well as the volume of demand for different types of fish products during the year. The main directions for further research of this topic are outlined.


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How to Cite
Korman, I., Semenda, O., & Haienko, V. (2021). FORMATION OF DEMAND AND PROMOTION OF SALES IN THE DOMESTIC MARKET OF FISH PRODUCTS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (19), 19-26.
Economics and business management