• Vira Tymchak Vladivik LLC; Bukovynian State Medical University
  • Stanislav Tymchak Vladivik LLC
Keywords: waste, innovations, integration, investments, food industry


The food industry remains one of the leaders in the field of food innovation. Innovative activity in the field is aimed at using the results of research and development in order to improve production technologies, update and expand the range of food products, improve their quality. At the same time, state support and innovation strategy should provide a system of organizational and economic measures for the implementation of scientific and technical achievements. Innovation is effective if the information moves freely in both directions, if each element of the innovation structure meets its purpose, and the transition from one stage of innovation to another is carried out at minimal cost. It is innovation that should provide the mechanism of relations between the branches of the national economy and the financing of their activities. The priority direction of further development of the food industry remains technical re-equipment and modernization of food production enterprises on a qualitatively new technical and technological basis. The introduction of modern technologies at the European level will allow comprehensive processing of agricultural raw materials into food products of a high degree of readiness, significantly expand the range and quality of food products, improve pricing and saturate these products, both domestic consumer market and increase exports. The main feature of the system of integrated use of food waste is its focus on strengthening the socio-economic mechanism to stimulate the introduction of innovative technologies for the use of secondary raw materials, which focuses on the full use of existing and promising market opportunities for innovative development to maximize current and future revenues. The mechanism of introduction of the newest technologies of complex use of wastes of the food industry should become an effective means of maintenance of innovative activity in all links of a food chain from manufacture to consumption. The introduction of innovations in the integrated use of food waste should be stimulated by a system of tools related to common goals, principles and provided with appropriate resources.


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How to Cite
Tymchak, V., & Tymchak, S. (2021). SOCIO-ECONOMIC MECHANISM TO STIMULATE INNOVATION IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (19), 11-18.
Economics and national economy management