Keywords: international investment, project, transnational corporations, transformation, turbulence


The article is devoted to the current transformation process in the investment flows which is depends on the external unpredictable factors. It shows the tendency and mood of investors in the different economic situation. The article reveals the importance of social, ecological spheres which maintain stable and effective macroeconomic and financial indicators. With the help of scientific methods such as comparison, statistical, monitoring it determines the main characteristics and directions of investments in the conditions of pandemic and it gives some recommendations for selection investments which improve the whole development of economy, especially concerning the developing countries. The transnational corporations and states are the main subjects of international investment relationship. It provides the examples of modern innovative investment projects which give opportunities for development of society in host countries. It shows that legislation impacts on the directions and the correlation in the volume of investments. The main directions of investments are medical, infrastructure, transport and other vital for economy spheres. The article determines that the current crises transform the whole economic system especially when faces the bundles of factors of different etiology. The research underlines the necessity of investments which fight against the consequences of crises and economic depression. It reveals the correlation and relationship between the investment flows and the current investment climate in the host countries. The article researches the views of different scientists who underline the importance of impact of investments on social and economic development in the future for the global economic system. It determines the tendency in the investments flows before the pandemic and their vital role in the maintenance of sustainable concept. The article characterizes the causes of investment transformation, changes, and opportunities and gives examples of investment policy of some countries. It determines the current situation in investment mood and psychological factors for making rational decisions.


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How to Cite
Shevchenko, Y. (2021). TRANSFORMATION OF INVESTMENT FLOWS UNDER TURBULENCE CONDITIONS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (19), 5-10.
World economy and international economic relations