Keywords: small business, regions, quarantine restrictions, obstructions for the functioning, development priority areas


The article analyzes the indicators of the state of small business in Ukraine, highlights the problems that hinder its successful development and substantiates the directions of overcoming them. Small business plays an important role in the economic development of Ukraine and in solving many social problems. First of all, it insures employment and forms the middle class, saturates the market with the necessary goods and services, creates healthy competition, which has a positive effect on economic development, and ensures the stability of regions and the country as a whole. These circumstances make it especially relevant to study the problems of small business growth in Ukraine. The analysis of the status of small business showed that during 2015-2016 the quantitative and qualitative indicators of its activity decreased due to the military conflict in the East of the country and large economic shocks. Only in 2019 there was a gradual recovery to the level of 2013. At the same time, small businesses have the largest share in the quantitative structure of domestic entrepreneurship and the involvement of labor resources. The trend model of the number of small businesses in Ukraine calculated using the method of analytical equalization will make it possible to predict the number of small businesses in Ukraine in the future and determine the impact of new factors on small business development. For example, the impact of quarantine restrictions can be evaluated. Threats to the development of small business as well as competitive advantages stemmed from its special characteristics, namely: small size, flexibility and susceptibility to changes in the economic environment. It is determined that a special obstacle in the development of small business is discrimination in access to economic resources: financial and credit, raw materials, information and consulting, technical and technological, personnel, etc. The introduction of quarantine restrictions has aggravated foregoing problems. Therefore, it is necessary to establish effective support for the development of small business, which would allow to solve problems as effectively as possible and encourage small business to self-development.


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How to Cite
Sydoruk, I. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE STATUS AND DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS IN UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (18), 67-72.
Productive forces development and regional economics