• M. Angelova University of National and World Economy
Keywords: Change Management, Communication System, Adizes life cycle model


The paper presents a communication methodology applied during change management process. The information needs vary during different phases of change – employees have to be constantly persuaded on the necessity of change in order to ensure their support. The author explores the key role of communication and its main goals to support organizational change. The proposed methodology is developed on the Adizes life cycle theory model and introduces how to establish and develop effectively communication system to gain people confidence and to build trust for change. Key role in change process plays internal communication in order not only to inform all employees about changes, but to build trust and gain confidence. As a result of effective internal communication the resistance to change should be overcome and limited. The paper presents an attempt to establish effective methodology for usage of internal communication channels and tools during change process. Different communication channels and tools are developed with their straights and weaknesses for the internal communication in organization. To have successful organizational change the management should focus attention not only to change process. The attitude of employees to change is just as important as the change itself. One of the most secure way to have internal organizational support is through implementation of the effective communication strategy that involves all employees regardless their position, expertise and role. The effective internal communication is the key element during change process and the managerial efforts should also be directed to ensure employees support.


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How to Cite
Angelova, M. (2016). METHODOLOGY FOR INTERNAL COMMUNICATION DURING CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (2), 6-13. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research