Keywords: software products, business processes, automation, analysis and grouping of software solutions, implementation opportunities, competitive advantages


This research proved the necessity and possibilities of automation of business processes of enterprises in modern business conditions. The article is devoted to the study of software solutions for the automation of business processes and the level of their application by domestic enterprises. The purpose of the article is to analyze such solutions and group them on various grounds for further integration in the practice of enterprises. This analysis confirmed that each software solution has its area of use, as well as advantages and disadvantages. The most popular among them are CRM-, ERP-, WMS-, TSM-, BPM-systems, which differ in functionality, cost, the complexity of setup, a set of additional training and technical support services, etc. The experience of the implementation of separate software products at the enterprises is studied. It is established that the advantages of automation are saving resources of the enterprise, reducing the time to perform certain processes, improving the quality of supporting processes and finished products (goods, works, services). The grouping of software solutions by different classification features, namely: by the degree of coverage of business processes, by developers, by functionality, by country of origin, by the number of included modules, by scope, by industry, and others. This classification will simplify the selection of the required software solution that will meet the needs of the customer, to meet certain criteria. The leading companies that offer services for the development, implementation, and maintenance of these programs, as well as their products and competitive advantages, are listed. Approaches to the choice of a technological solution for individual enterprises are proposed. The necessity of automation of as many business processes of enterprises as possible is proved and the existing possibilities for realization of this measure are defined. Based on the results of the research, a conclusion is made about the economic feasibility of implementing automated systems in the activities of enterprises, as well as the direction of further research is determined.


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How to Cite
Chernikova, N. (2021). ANALYSIS OF SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS FOR AUTOMATING BUSINESS PROCESSES ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (18), 57-62.
Economics and business management