Keywords: personnel security, indicators, evaluation, tools, management, components, stages, personnel


Recently, a relatively new and complex issue of ensuring the security of enterprises and economic entities has become increasingly crucial for Ukraine. Ukraine's transition to a new model of economic relations - the knowledge economy – is accompanied and faced with various negative factors, such as a weak legal framework for business protection, insecurity and lack of support for entrepreneurship by the state, and many other factors, delaying development and providing a safe environment for adequate progress. This study aims to consider the tools for assessing personnel security as a component of the financial and economic security of the enterprise and the development of a methodological approach to their improvement. The authors analyzed and grouped the views of scientists on the components of personnel security. Groups of personnel security management tools are considered, among which a vital group containing the assessment of enterprise personnel is singled out for further research. The purposes, the primary stages of an estimation of a condition of personnel safety of the personnel are considered, their brief characteristic is given. Indicators for assessing personnel security by components have been studied. The integrated indicator of personnel security, aggregated by all indicators, is calculated. To interpret the obtained results the Harrington scale was chosen, which will determine the state of personnel security by individual components and in the enterprise as a whole, determining the areas of management of the enterprise with its staff. The study concludes that modern tools for personnel security management in the enterprise are those without which it is impossible to ensure the required level of security in the enterprise from the beginning: search, selection, selection, evaluation and adaptation of personnel in the workplace. Effective use of assessment tools in personnel security management will solve several essential tasks related to personnel security of the enterprise: detection and prevention of threats from staff (fraud, disclosure of trade secrets, cooperation with competitors, deterioration of the psychological climate in the team); monitor employees (proposed for significant commercial projects); conducting official investigations under various circumstances, etc.


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How to Cite
Smokvina, H., & Abdullah Mohammed Ali, A. T. (2021). TOOLS FOR ASSESSING THE PERSONNEL COMPONENT OF THE FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (18), 50-56.
Economics and business management