Keywords: merchandising, system of marketing communications, consumers, product, market, business, competition, retail


In market conditions, retail is a significant strategic area of economic development. An important area of improvement of retail trade is to promote its development, the use of modern formats to improve the quality of consumer services with the introduction of innovative technologies. Particular attention should be paid to the development of merchandising in retail, taking into account foreign experience, which reflects the radical changes in the organization of sales management, due not only to competition but also the need to adapt trade and technological processes to consumer behavior. The development of innovative technologies contributes to the rational sale of goods, reducing financial and material and labor costs, allows much more effective promotion of goods to customers. In addition, the application of innovative technologies with the use of merchandising has not been sufficiently studied, and the priority areas for the introduction of merchandising in retail trade also need to be clarified. It is necessary to develop theoretical and methodological bases for assessing merchandising, justifying the choice of optimal methods of selling goods and developing priority areas for the sale of goods in commercial enterprises on the basis of merchandising, in order to meet demand. The purpose of this article is to theoretically substantiate and develop scientific and practical recommendations for the development of merchandising in retail. The following tasks are solved in the work: foreign experience of merchandising development in retail trade is studied; the efficiency of retail store merchandising is evaluated and measures of merchandising organization to improve retail trade are proposed. The object of research is the process of developing merchandising in retail. The subject of research is the theoretical and methodological and organizational and practical features of the development of merchandising in retail. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article were modern scientific provisions of marketing theory, practical research on the development of merchandising in retail trade of both domestic and foreign scientists. The practical value of the study is manifested in improving the culture of commodity services in a competitive market, which affects: stimulating demand, sales growth, working capital, the formation of aesthetic culture of consumer services in general.


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How to Cite
Pysar, N., Adrianov, A., & Drokina, N. (2021). ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF MERCHANDISING DEVELOPMENT IN RETAIL. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (18), 46-50.
Economics and business management