• Mykyta Kovtun Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • Natalia Gavkalova Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Keywords: social entrepreneurship, social innovations, socio-economic development, organizational and legal form, social problems


The article is devoted to the study of social entrepreneurship. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the number of enterprises. It can be seen that at the present stage of socio-economic development the functional role of entrepreneurship acquires a special socio-practical relevance. Recently, the trend towards the development of social entrepreneurship is gaining momentum. Today, they are the social innovations that are innovations in the form of strategies, concepts, ideas aimed at solving social problems and meeting social needs and are a mechanism of social transformation in the country. It should be noted that recently social enterprises with its number of staff are generally part of micro-enterprises. After all, we are talking about the main factor - the growth of living standards, socio-economic growth of the country as a whole, and this is the development of business structures, which creating new added value is key to economic development. The boundaries of social innovation are quite wide, namely: from improving working conditions, the emergence of new services in education, the creation of innovative communities acting in the interests of society, to the modernization of public policy and governance. Meanwhile, many scientists put forward assumptions of factors influencing the development of any social enterprise. Based on a set of these factors, there is a multilevel development of social entrepreneurship in the regions of the country. The article emphasizes this in more detail. Possibilities of attracting resources for the start and development of social enterprises are considered, there are many interesting and innovative approaches that researchers, in accordance with the technologies of obtaining resources attracting investment for social entrepreneurship. Economic factors make it possible to develop social entrepreneurship faster than a certain reaction to a difficult economic situation. Given the fact that in Ukraine the organizational and legal form of a social enterprise is not enshrined in law, so its choice depends on the choice of the entrepreneur.


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How to Cite
Kovtun, M., & Gavkalova, N. (2021). SOCIAL ENTRENEURSHIP AS A FACTOR OF SOCIAL-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (18), 34-40.
Economics and business management