Keywords: entrepreneurship, trade enterprise, trade, retail trade, mini-markets, shops of the «at home» format


The development of the trade sector is important for the development of the economy of the whole country. Grocery retailers pay attention not only to the development of large retail stores, but also understand the importance of placing outlets close to the consumer and buyer. Therefore, the market of mini-markets and shops of the «home» format is gaining wide popularity among both large retailers and small retailers. The purpose of the research is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the current state of development of mini-markets, as well as to determine the prospects for their activities in Ukraine. The following methods served as the research methodology: abstract-logical - during the research and systematization of the scientific article; analysis, synthesis, comparison and graphical - during the analysis and visualization of the dynamics of the number of business entities engaged in retail trade; generalization method - during the formation of conclusions. As a result of the study, it was found that the market of mini-markets and shops of the «home» format is constantly increasing, as food products occupy the main part in the structure of household expenditures. The publication analyzes the number of retail stores in terms of retail space and the dynamics of the number of businesses engaged in retail trade, except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles, forecasting their performance for the three periods ahead. The most popular and largest retail chains of mini-markets and home-format stores in Ukraine have been identified and the number of outlets for the period 2017-2020 has been analyzed. The regional affiliation of the largest representatives of the «at home» format and mini-markets were analyzed. In addition, it is proposed to make changes to the definition of «mini-market», as the size of the retail space of stores of this format does not meet modern requirements. The practical value of the study lies in a comprehensive study of the current state of development of mini-markets in Ukraine and substantiates the feasibility of redirecting the activities of large grocery retailers from the format of «supermarket» to the format of «mini-market».


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How to Cite
Karnaushenko, A. (2021). CURRENT STATE AND PROSPECTS OF MINIMARKET DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (18), 22-27.
Economics and national economy management