The article reveals the importance of digital-marketing approaches and methods of budget planning campaigns, cooperation with advertising agencies and their specificity, evaluating the effectiveness of digital-marketing, acquires relevance due to the rapid increase in the number of companies that use digital tools to promote products and services in the market. Proved that widespread digital-marketing becomes due to the significant increase in income due to the impact of marketing campaigns. It was established that today digital can’t be considered a significant competitive advantage as instruments of this type of marketing is widely used in all sectors. The subject of the research work is digital-marketing tools, its impact on the management of marketing activity of the enterprise, organization and methods of budgeting digital-marketing. The essence of the purpose of the work is to study the management of marketing activities. We explored digital-marketing tools: website, SMM, SEO, organization of events. It is established that each tool simplifies the organization of marketing opens new prospects for the company, automates labor and reduce marketing costs. For the study used the following scientific methods: comparison and evaluation of the study budgeting, monitoring in certain ways of organizing digital-marketing management, analytical method when forming conclusions about the impact of new technologies on economic governance. It was found that each of the tools greatly simplifies the organization of marketing opens new prospects of development for the enterprise, automates and reduces marketing costs. The analysis of influence of digital-marketing, found that digital-marketing significantly influences the budgeting, organization and management of marketing department. Analyzed changes in marketing management, namely the organization of marketing activities, changes in budgeting, analysis of advertising effectiveness research target customers, competitors, development and commodity pricing, advertising strategy of the company.
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