Keywords: ecologization, ecological entrepreneurship, innovative development, climate change, ecological economy, humanistic goals


Against the background of global challenges and climate threat, the world community is facing the need for radical economic changes, the formation of the modern ideology in the system of economic relations. A determining component of further socio-economic stability of society is ecologization as an innovative direction of modern entrepreneurship development. This supports relevance and practicality of the proposed research topic. The aim of the article is to study the socially significant components of ecologization as a defining direction of modern entrepreneurship, its innovative nature and effectiveness. The study is formed by a number of general and special scientific methods, primarily: analysis and synthesis to identify the importance of ecologization in the development of modern entrepreneurship; systematization - to define the main components of ecologization as a direction of innovative development of entrepreneurship; epistemology - to outline the main components of the Sustainable Development Goals; forecasting to determine the main environmental and innovative areas of development in business. Ecological entrepreneurship is one of the main elements of the ecological economy, the economy of the future, which ensures the reasonable coexistence of human and nature, the efficient use of resources, their reproduction and conservation. The article emphasizes the importance of ecologization of modern entrepreneurship through the use of innovative ideas for its development. The importance of ecologization is determined in overcoming the risks of disturbances of global ecosystems and stabilization of global climate threats. Peculiarities of implementation of ecological standards in domestic entrepreneurship are analyzed and basic components of ensuring sustainable development are determined. The nature of ecologization of entrepreneurship and its innovative opportunities are revealed. The main forms of innovative development of ecological entrepreneurship and their significance for the formation of ecological economy in modern society are considered. It is proposed to use the strategy of "smart rationality" "5 R" in business activities in order to ensure more efficient ecologization of business processes. Some tools for promoting the innovative development of environmental entrepreneurship in Ukraine are outlined.


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How to Cite
Kosovych, B. (2021). ECOLOGIZATION AS A DIRECTION OF INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (17), 60-65.
Economics of nature use and environmental protection