Keywords: housing and communal services, strategy, competition, reform, region


The article considers the features and main problems of housing and communal services of the regions of Ukraine. It is determined that housing and communal services are one of the main links of management, which directly affects the quality of human life. In the context of decentralization, housing and communal services are one of the most important components of the image of regional authorities. That is, the quality of housing and communal services to the population and the creation of the necessary conditions for the development of this sphere depend on the extent to which the state regional authorities regulate the policy in the field of housing and communal services. It is determined that the reform of housing and communal services of the regions of Ukraine should be based on the protection of consumers' rights to comply with industry standards; establishing direct relations between consumers of housing and communal services and producers of services at the grassroots level; antitrust market regulation, primarily in terms of setting tariffs for housing and communal services. The problems of the industry and perspective directions of their solution are determined. The current state of housing and communal services is analyzed and it is revealed that it has not yet been possible to ensure its progressive human-centric development. The vast majority of enterprises in this industry are characterized by unprofitable activities, which is objectively due to the moral and material depreciation of production facilities, the imperfection of the system of primary resources, high energy consumption and low level of management. The main problems that prevent the attraction of private capital in housing and communal services have been identified. The cycle of strategic planning of housing and communal services development in the region is determined and the main directions of the strategy of housing and communal services development of the regions of Ukraine are identified, among which, in our opinion, the most important is creating a competitive environment and forming a transparent and efficient housing and communal services market. In order to develop a competitive sector in the market of housing and communal services, certain measures must be taken. The main aspects of the possibility of using public-private partnership in the housing and communal sphere are outlined.


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How to Cite
Zhovtyak, H., Volokhova, I., & Volokhov, V. (2021). STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT HOUSING AND COMMUNAL ECONOMY OF THE REGION. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (17), 56-59.
Productive forces development and regional economics