Keywords: economic efficiency, net profit, added value, capital investment, labor productivity


Diagnostics of economic efficiency of business entities in the context of individual types has an important theoretical and practical significance not only on micro-level, but also an important tool for informational support for decision making in the process of providing macroeconomic stability and strategic development of the economy. The article emphasizes the peculiarities of overcoming by enterprises of various types of systemic crisis phenomena. By analyzing the absolute values and dynamics of key quantitative indicators of the state of the state's economic system at all its levels, the influence of systemic risks on these structural elements is characterized, the role of small, medium and large enterprises in restoring the stable state of the economy and its sustainable development are characterized. In the process of analysis, it is determined that the role of enterprises of various types in ensuring the development of the national economy is gradually changing. The assessment of absolute values and dynamics of net profit of enterprises of different types allowed to conclude that the inertia of economic processes in small enterprises than on other entities, which in general contradicts their natural attributes and is a sign of the incomplete process of small business formation as an important structural element of the national element. Economics and requires the introduction and optimization of relevant state policy mechanisms. Analysis of the dynamics of capital investments of domestic enterprises allows us to conclude that in order to achieve strategic goals, both micro and macro level should be equipped with an increase in capital investment in small business, which in turn requires the development and implementation of effective mechanisms for attracting external financing. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the specific value of the value added indicator, which generates various types of enterprises, it is determined that there are significant structural transformations in the country's economic system: from an oligopolistic, large business and monopolization of markets, it gradually acquires a rice of competitive, capable of providing a multi-vector development of the country. and prompt adaptation to change in external conditions


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How to Cite
Shaleny, V. (2021). DIAGNOSTICS OF ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF DOMESTIC BUSINESS STRUCTURES: MACROECONOMIC ASPECT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (17), 50-55. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/17.10
Economics and business management