Keywords: innovative activity, innovative development, management, personnel, enterprise


The purpose of the article is to study the problematic issues of personnel development management in the context of sustainable innovative development of modern Ukrainian enterprises. Enterprises are faced with the problem of employee rejection of innovative activities. Workers express resistance to innovation. They do not want to be creative. This results in low innovation performance. The authors of the article believe that the solution to the problem is the manager's awareness of the importance of reforming approaches to the management of innovative activities. It is necessary to form and implement new methods of personnel management in the company. It is necessary to master the necessary skills and competencies. The personnel is the main strategic value of the company. It is the basis for financial and economic growth. Effective personnel management expands the capabilities of the enterprise. Ensures its sustainable innovative development. It should be borne in mind that the introduction of an innovation can be perceived negatively by the staff. It is necessary to prepare staff for innovation and innovation. The features of the personnel management system in the context of the innovative development of the enterprise are considered. It is important to focus on the development and unleashing of staff capabilities. Rationally introduce personnel rotation. The review of technologies of personnel management of enterprises is carried out. An important component of the personnel management system in the context of the innovative development of the enterprise is the stimulation of the staff. Personnel knowledge management is the creation of value, use and improvement of enterprise knowledge assets to achieve the goals of innovation. The innovative methods of personnel training are considered. The disadvantages of professional training and development of personnel are identified.. It is important to analyze and test workers. To highlight similar personality types and unite employees into a single cohesive team. Approaches to improve the use of personnel in the implementation of innovations are proposed. The issues of personnel development management considered in the article provide a clear understanding of the important place of personnel in enterprise management. After all, innovative activity is aimed at maximizing profits and is based on meeting the needs of the company's personnel.


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How to Cite
Markina, I., Voronina, V., & Filatova, K. (2021). PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN CONDITIONS OF SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (17), 39-42.
Economics and business management