• P.V. Krush National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • T.Y. Khomenko National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: controlling, liquidity, business activity, profitability, solvency, labor productivity, production


This article contains data on concept of controlling of the enterprise, its main systems of indicators and methods of calculation are investigated. It is noted that methods of the analysis of controlling of the enterprise are based on system of indicators of an assessment of a financial condition of the enterprise. Information base for the analysis of controlling of the enterprise is the balance, the report on financial results, the report on cash flow, and also accounting information on the current calculations and the statistical reporting. The analysis of the main indicators of controlling and methods of their calculation is carried out. In work the main methods of calculation of an indicator of solvency of the enterprise, liquidity, business activity, profitability, labor productivity and production are lit, their theoretical values are defined. It is defined that distinguish the following main methods of the analysis of indicators of controlling: benchmarking, integrated analysis of the enterprise, analysis of profitability, ABC analysis, SWOT analysis, GAP analysis. In conclusions it is noted that controlling of the enterprise is a necessary process on for obtaining the fullest information on a financial state and possible reserves of increase of activity which in total allows managers to make immediate decisions and to improve a condition of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Krush, P., & Khomenko, T. (2015). THE ANALYSIS OF SYSTEM OF INDICATORS OF CONTROLLING FOR ADOPTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (1), 133-141. Retrieved from
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